sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009


How still steeled hearts appear,
How strange this mass of ancient memories and desires
In fact, a chamber of past pains and pleasures:
Once, doubtless alive and intriguing.

Such ancient memories and desires remain the same - untouchable & uncontrollable, all of them reclined in yonder deep recess.

I, reluctantly fear to see and to face those memoirs
even in the old accostomed ones I resent and step aside.
Too much to be buried and forgotten.
A plenty of love and passion to be alive and to be felt.
At twilight, when the sun goes down, I am sure some of my heart pieces are scattered into the deeepest silence of mine and such pieces reborn and then fears & sorrows are left behing and Joy rises all over again.

Gilbert Antonio
word maker

segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009

Get closer, sit, silent soul ranger!
Sit by my side and be comrade and confidant to me.
The Twilight is about to get close.
Close my eyes and make the Winter and its course fade away.
No words are required,
Nor unfinished requests are desired.
Just you and me through the shadow chamber
reminding us the sunrise is about to rise above our dreams and naked souls.

Gilbert Antonio
Word Maker

domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

All fades away;
my very moment,
my best dream,
my worst sorrow.
I hear, at times, a warning come of bitter partings at its gate,
Even though I still insist on,
I still believe in.
When does the mourn cease?
What shall I do?
I have been yelding to despair, beneath the strain of care.
No matter how hard I try,
All those pains will still remain,
because at this very moment
they haven´t fullfilled their legacy yet.
So, I remain quiet , not calm, though.
There not that far, where all fades away,
I am waiting for the time to come and rejoy love again.

gilbert antonio
word maker
I have missed those who taught my way heart,
who gave me the opportunity to recognize them as icquals.
I have missed the morning breath into the kisses...
the longing process which we were taken & felt...
the chance to make our inner worlds better places to live in...
the silence which was made of a thousand words...
the poems which were made and written in our lips whispiring
our emotional storm...

gilbert antonio
word maker

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009

quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2009

Perdoa-te se te ouço confuso e se te entendo jocoso.
Quero a liberdade do tamanho que eu conquistei.
Gilbert Antonio -
Word Maker

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009

about love...

In the discussion of love and gender in human nature,
one term emerges as a particulary concept, and that term is essential.
This apparently quite straightforward proposition
has been strongly contested by the ones who have never been loved
and continued not to be loved and haunted by the
shadow of dreadfully determinism.
Such evidence shows us that the love and the gender
remain unique and uncontrollable
despite of the
gender relationships.

Gilbert Antonio
Word Maker
Minha indolência tem cara de indiferença
mas na verdade é constatação travestida
de intolerância.

Gilbert Antonio -
Word Maker

quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009

Embora teimemos em viver a prática de nossa liberdade
desenfreadamente efêmera , mesmo assim,
ainda padecemos silenciosamente
coniventes e refugiados em nossas
culpas & pretensos pecados.

Na verdade, prenscindimos da espontaneidade selvagem
de viver sem fronteiras,
o que ouso conclamar e chamar de liberdade virginal.


gilbert antonio
word maker

Nada do que eu tenha dito anteriormente faz sentido,
afinal os significados são contaminados de signos
e nem sempre explicam
nossas vontades mais sinceras e nem
tampouco nossas dúvidas mais preementes.

gilbert antonio
word maker