segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

I am a variation of tons and colours!
Such process brings up different approachings of myself.
Some of them meant to be true, some others are just the ideas or even preconceptions which people tend to have about who they think I am.

gilbert antonio
word maker

quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

The era of solitary writing is gone! Souls & words have just made all the way back to the inner encounter, even far beyond our self comprehension.

gilbert antonio

word maker

It seems that a new paradigm shift awaits us and a new culture of sharing is beginning to take place. Such trend, tends in beginning to offer a brand new transiction, in which we are part of it or we are about to be molded into such features and deep signals.

Take sides, don´t regret and be free!

gilbert antonio
word maker

The impact of some discoveries has altered the human behavior in a massive scale - To discuss inclusion and diversity is inevitable. Such issues & matters propose a new cultural self-perception. Non-standardized thinking practices tend or are about to take place and present to the generations to come the importance of an alternative freedom of experimentation. Such trends are about to establish the new mindsets in a society too saturated by such standardized thoughts and attitudes.

gilbert antonio
word maker

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

Love never stands still, not even dies...
It fluctuates and permeates constantly like the times we live in, I guess pushed by the possibilities and needs of such encounters and inner changes.
No matter what we really believe in or insist on. Such constancy and steadfastness are the motivation to make us true believers and incorrigible dreamers.
In fact, it´s a new time we live in, and there are no traditional borders or self-imposed restrictions between different concepts when it comes to talk about love.
It´s very complex but also quite special and unique.
It´s up to you figure it out and turn it into beautiful love understanding.
gilbert antonio
word maker

Tudo me é dito
de forma intensa e reveladora,
Nada me é desapercebido,
De encanto descomedido sou feito,
Amo, amando em si, em mim e no outro essa intensidade desconcebida, proposital e incondicional.

O que sou é intensificado pelas ações.
Sou reação involuntária de ambivalências.

Entre tantos outros, sou pura e doce contradição .
Entretanto, Prefiro-me.
Me dispo de pudores
criados e impostos,
Revelo a alma nua,
Depurada e devassa.
Sou indistintamente eu,
O outro,
Os outros e até mesmo,
Nós mesmos - Fissuras, firulas e acenos obcenos - Pura poesia.

Não fundamento e nem tampouco coisifico a qualidade do meu amor.

Amo descaradamente
e dou vexame.

Amor pudico é
para incertos intelectuais.

Amo na tua cara - Escancaro -
Amo exatamente assim:
De cara limpa e alma lavada.

gilbert antonio